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28 July 2018
In Montenegro, there is a photo exhibition about kawasah guides at the IOPS in Jerusalem

From June 23 to August 31 in Montenegro, the photo exhibition "Grbalane in Jerusalem, 1890-1914", tells about the inhabitants of the town of Grbal in the service of guides (Kavases) in Jerusalem in the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

Kawases met numerous Russian pilgrims in Jaffa, accompanied them to Russian farmsteads in Jerusalem and guarded from robbers thousands of caravans of pilgrims who visited holy places in Bethlehem, Nazareth, on the Jordan ...
The organizers of the exhibition are the church community in Grbal (Serbian Orthodox Church) and the representation of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society in Montenegro.
The exhibition is open in the parish house of the monastery Savvin Glavitsa in the village of Grbal, near the town of Kotor, in the homeland of Kavas Marco Djuric, Nikola Baikovich (Rado-Baikavich), Nikola Peranovich, Kristo Dalianitsa, George Buzdovan, Lazar Bana, Cristo and Pero Djurici.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition on behalf of the municipality welcomed the guests and thanked the organizers of the exhibition Marco-Bato Karevich. He noted that such exhibitions are necessary, because help to save from the oblivion the names of their ancestors.
The representative of the IOPS in Montenegro, Slavko Krstajic, for many years studying the history of pilgrimage and Montenegrin kawas in Jerusalem, briefly described the history of the Palestinian Society and the fate of the conductors who were in his service and photographed.
Kavases, who served in the Holy Land, came from the Montenegrin villages of Kovacs and Glavati. The first was Marco Djuric from Kovacs, who then recommended his relatives and friends. They were fearless and resourceful people who knew several languages and deserved every confidence. They boldly repulsed the thugs, who tried to attack the pilgrims.
Kawases wore national costumes and weapons. They rode horses, on a national headgear-a cape from afar, everyone could see the sign of the Russian Empire-a two-headed eagle.

After 1914, brave Montenegrins basically returned to their homeland, but some remained in the Holy Land, where their descendants live, who still do not lose touch with their relatives. It is known that Lazar Bun went to Alexandria, where he worked in the British diplomatic

Slavko Krstajic informed the audience that the exhibition presents photos from the life of Russian Jerusalem from the archives of the Palestinian Society, now in St. Petersburg at the State Museum of the History of Religion, from the funds of the Russian Archives of the Russian Federation in Moscow, as well as from the family albums of Kawas descendants.

Slavko Krstaich appealed to the Kawas family members present at the opening of the exhibition, asking them to gather as much information about their ancestors as possible for the publication of the book.

The photo exhibition was opened within the framework of the program of the Montenegrin-Primorsky Metropolis "One Hundred Years of Holiness", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of the holy royal martyrs - representatives of the Romanov dynasty. The program includes a series of events in Podgorica, Nikshich, including exhibitions, readings and round tables, the consecration of a chapel in Russian style with a monument to the holy royal martyrs in the Daibabe Monastery. Scientists and bishops from Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, representatives of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church participate in the events.

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